EU projects

„Wdrożenie zasadniczej zmiany procesu produkcyjnego mebli łazienkowych”
Program Operacyjny Innowacyjna Gospodarka, lata 2007 – 2013
4 Oś priorytetowa:
Inwestycje w innowacyjne przedsięwzięcia
Działanie 4.4:
Nowe inwestycje o wysokim potencjale innowacyjnym


Project co-financed by the European Union

Dear Sirs and Madams,

The company ELITE Sp. z o.o. would like to inform,
that it cooperates with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development and the Pomerania Development Agency under Measure 4.4 New investments of high innovative potential of the priority axis
4 Investments in innovative undertakings of the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 in the implementation of the following projects:

„Implementation of a fundamental change in the manufacturing process of bathroom furniture”

„We invest in your future”

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund